奧運舉重小組班 60MINS/60分鐘 2PPL TO FORM A CLASS / 2人成班
Service Description
A small group class which themes on Olympic weightlifting: Clean & Jerk and Snatch. We focus on the weightlifting techniques and related strength training. Suitable for beginner to intermediate level. Private classes can be arranged for group of 2 or more. Please contact us via email or call to reserve in advance. 以學習奧運舉重:挺舉Clean & Jerk 及 抓舉 Snatch 為主的小組班;著重技巧訓練及調整,並配以相關力量訓練;適合初學者或想改善技巧的朋友。每班最多3人,可自行組班,有興趣可透過電郵或電話預約。
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. You can log in to your account and reschedule the booked session at "My Bookings". Client who fail to do so must pay the normal rate for the session. <br> 如要取消或改期,請在至少24小時前通知我們。你可登入你的帳戶並經"My Bookings"頁面更改日子/時間。如未能於指定時間前取消,客戶必須支付該課堂之費用。
Contact Details
G/F, 197-199 Tong Mi Road, Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong